
micro phone check one

All this said, I still very much enjoyed my work at ePrize. The openness to change and doing things the right way is something I will miss.
And I will miss all the great people that I worked with. You guys rock.


Thank you.

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have emailed, IMd and called me.
It means a lot to me to know that the majority of people at ePrize are good and still care.

Its a shame that one or two panicy and incompetent people can cause such an effect.

I guess the thing that makes me the most angry, is that ePrize was such an open place. See something thats wrong? Let's change it. It seemed everyone but my boss saw the energy and effort I had always put towards changing and fixing things.

Teams typically aren't inspired by fear. Or inconsistent messaging. One week we were berated for all doing a horrible job, and not taking ownership of things. The next week we were shown random "silly" pictures that she didn't even gather herself.

Trying to do the work of 3 positions with a manager who only focuses on the negative of each is a difficult way to go.

All this said, I still very much enjoyed my work at ePrize. The openness to change and doing things the right way is something I will miss.
And I will miss all the great people that I worked with. You guys rock.