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I cannot really say what I know. But I think I can say this:

Thats pretty much all I have to say. If you are not with us, you are apparently against us, but remember this was your own choice. You could have quit ePrize at any time. And left under your own accord. And been happy.

Or you could have stayed just long enough, to see the potential, get mad at the people that started the company, and blamed them for no instant change, left angry, and started some random negative blog.


Well. I choose to stay. To talk to the people i work with and for. And to take whats not working at the company and turn it the fuck around. I'm so sick of reading your negative crap about ePrize. 90% of all that was posted could be said of ANY company. The last 10%? You can only bitch about, if your compnay is in triple digit growth.

Oh! Better get out now! Better say how horrible horrible it was.

Look. I work WAY more hours than I want to. But I am vocal about it. And guess what, its was changing LONG before this stupid blog came to light. And its changing rignt now as I type this.

Could I jump? Yes. For more money? Yes. For the same challenge, diversity, and satisfaction I can get from helping ePrize pull out of this, and take over? Nope. Don't think so. Sorry baby. I like where I work for so many invisible reasons that the people posting the anti-blogs will never find. At any job. That I'm pretty damn sure I'm gonna kick my heels in deep into the thick hide of this beast, spur it on, and ride it the fuck out.

YIPPEEE KAI EH MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!! (yeah i know i didnt spell it right, thats what QA is for!)

๓ ความคิดเห็น:

joshua กล่าวว่า...

sorry for all the swearing. :)

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

"If you are not with us, you are apparently against us"

Wow, that's quite a GWB sentiment there! Are the folks who left or were fired from ePrize now the "axis of evil"? :)

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

"Now I work with bunch of geeks and not with dorks who think they are geeks"

I take personal offense to this. Say what you will about business, but leave us Geeks out of this.